The Alito Countdown-hailed as a trophy to a GOP effort that began in 1982
Call these Senators and encourage them to vote "no" on Mr. Alito: Kent Conrad, Robert Byrd, Tim Nelson .
Congressional Staffers Making Changes to Wikipedia
"Matt Vogel, Meehan's(D-MA) chief of staff, said he authorized an intern in July to replace existing Wikipedia content with a staff-written biography of the lawmaker.
The change deleted a reference to Meehan's campaign promise to surrender his seat after serving eight years, a pledge Meehan later eschewed. It also deleted a reference to the size of Meehan's campaign account, the largest of any House member at $4.8 million, according to the latest data available from the Federal Election Commission. "
Hillary Booed in Portland for her pro-Iraq war stance and also booed in San Francisco
"The New York senator vigorously defended her middle-of-the-road position on the war in Iraq to the cheers of hundreds of admirers -- and the jeers of several anti-war protesters who infiltrated her appearance and repeatedly interrupted her speech late Friday at the Portland Hilton."
Kraft Foods to Close 20 Production Plants and Eliminate 8000 Jobs
Exxon Mobile Posts Record Profit of 36.13 billion for 2005