Possible Source of Swine Flu Outbreak: La Gloria, Mexico - US-run, Hog Facility run by Smithfield
"According to state agents of the Mexican social security institute, the vector of this outbreak are the clouds of flies that come out of the hog barns, and the waste lagoons into which the Mexican-US company spews tons of excrement," reported Mexico City newspaper La Jornada." ""Sources characterised the event as a 'strange' outbreak of acute respiratory infection, which led to pneumonia in some paediatric cases. Health officials recorded 400 cases that sought medical treatment in the last week in La Gloria, which has a population of 3,000; officials indicated that 60% of the town's population, approximately 1,800 cases, has been affected." "Smithfield, which is led by pork baron Joseph W Luter III, has previously been fined for environmental damage in the US."
Rolling Stone in 2006 noted:
"Smithfield estimates that its total sales will reach $11.4 billion this year. So prodigious is its fecal waste (26 million tons/year), however, that if the company treated its effluvia as big-city governments do -- even if it came marginally close to that standard -- it would lose money."
See this post @ MyDD for more info and excellent posts.
For pictures of the Smithfield plant @ La Gloria, Mexico: http://suburbiodeimagen.blogspot.com (spanish site)
It is criminal to treat animals and people this way.......for profit and habit?