
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages" -Thomas A. Edison

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Stop Forced Relocation of Navajo Families, Black Mesa Arizona

"This bill will permanently displace the indigenous families of Big Mountain and surrounding communities on Black Mesa from their ancestral lands and will relieve the federal government of any further responsibility for the relocated people. S 1003, sponsored by Senator John McCain (R-AZ), comes as Peabody Coal, the world's largest coal company, is planning to expand its strip mining of American Indian lands, drawing down a high-quality residential aquifer in the process. Only one thing stands in Peabody's way: indigenous people live on the land below which lies billions of tons of low-sulfur coal. As with their ancestors, the land is the basis for the Black Mesa people's traditions, spirituality, and livelihoods. "

Monday, March 27, 2006

Tribal Leader Rallies for Abortion Clinic on Reservervation

"The new South Dakota law bans all abortions except to save the life of the mother — with no exceptions for rape or incest.Fire Thunder said the state law would not apply to the reservation. “We’re a sovereign nation,” she said.The new law is set to go into effect July 1, but a court challenge almost certainly will delay it, and opponents of the law are already gathering signatures to put it on the ballot in November."

Indians Still Face Obstacles in Voting

"LAKE ANDES — When Charon Asetoyer went to vote a few years ago, she was met with unfriendly words and an offensive gesture. A white man, apparently unhappy with the idea of an American Indian walking into the polls, asked her in vulgar terms what she was doing there.
She told him she was there because she had a right to vote and went back to her car to wait for him to leave. Only after he sped away did she walk inside.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Solidarity in Los Angeles: 500,000 Protest!

If only the progressives in our country had this kind of collective will and organization. Imagine a protest of 25 million or,....more?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Barbara Bush's Donation Earmarked to Help Her Son's Company

"Former first lady Barbara Bush donated an undisclosed amount of money to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund with specific instructions that the money be spent with an educational software company owned by her son Neil."

Investors From the United Arab Emirates Funded Neil Bush's Company

"Investors from the United Arab Emirates helped fund the $23 million Neil Bush raised for Ignite!, the learning systems company that holds lucrative No Child Left Behind Act contracts in Florida and Texas."

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Even Mr. WMD himself, Iyad Allawi is calling Iraq Debacle: 'Civil War.'

"The scale of the violence is such that most of it is unreported. Iyad Allawi, the former prime minister, said yesterday that scores were dying every day. "It is unfortunate that we are in civil war. We are losing each day, as an average, 50 to 60 people throughout the country, if not more," he said. "If this is not civil war, then God knows what civil war is."

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Recent Post from Riverbend(Iraqi woman)

"Three Years...
It has been three years since the beginning of the war that marked the end of Iraq’s independence. Three years of occupation and bloodshed.

Spring should be about renewal and rebirth. For Iraqis, spring has been about reliving painful memories and preparing for future disasters. In many ways, this year is like 2003 prior to the war when we were stocking up on fuel, water, food and first aid supplies and medications. We're doing it again this year but now we don't discuss what we're stocking up for. Bombs and B-52's are so much easier to face than other possibilities.I don’t think anyone imagined three years ago that things could be quite this bad today. The last few weeks have been ridden with tension. I’m so tired of it all- we’re all tired."

Monday, March 13, 2006

Lest We Forget: Abu Graib Prisoner, Now An Activist for Prisoners' Rights

"With a thick shock of gray hair and melancholy eyes, Mr. Qaissi is today a self-styled activist for prisoners' rights in Iraq. Shortly after being released from Abu Ghraib in 2004, he started the Association of Victims of American Occupation Prisons with several other men immortalized in the Abu Ghraib pictures. "

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Really beautiful rendition of U2's "ONE".

Members of US Congress Demand Impeachment Inquiry

"Shocking allegations appeared in The Baltimore Chronicle today. Dave Lindorff writes that he and Barbara Olshansky (also an attorney at CCR) will reveal in an upcoming book that “members of Congress–even firebrands like Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)–have been strong-armed behind the scenes by the Democratic National Committee not to introduce an impeachment bill in the House.

If not acted on this session, the bill would have to be reintroduced next session. It is possible that a new bill could include new language regarding Bush's approval of illegal NSA domestic wiretapping.
For now, however, sources in Washington DC tell Atlanta Progressive News that H. Res 635 is a venue for coalition among members of Congress who are willing to consider impeachment for a variety of reasons.”

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Finally: U.S. Contractor Found Liable for Fraud in Iraq

"WASHINGTON — In the first action of its kind, a federal jury on Thursday found that a private security firm(Custer Battles, LLC) had bilked the U.S.-led interim government in Iraq out of millions of dollars.

The False Claims Act allows the Justice Department to join whistle-blowers in the prosecution of cases. But in this case, government attorneys did not intervene. Grayson, the lawyer for Isakson and Baldwin, attributed the decision to political considerations. Battles ran as a Republican candidate for Congress in 2002, and Custer boasted of the company's ties to the administration."

Must see VIDEO

China to Boost Science and Technology Spending by 20%

"Xu Guanhua, Minister of Science and Technology, said unless the country keeps up its investment in the science and technology sector, it will not be able hit the national target of doubling its per capita GDP by 2020."

The graph above is from this site which goes into more detail regarding China's educational system.

Just imagine our country, if our government had a stated goal of doubling our per capita GDP by 2020?

"The administration is requesting $56billion for the Department of Education, a reduction of half a billion dollars, or 0.9 percent, from the current spending plan- which would be the first cut in overall federal education spending in a decade."

Friday, March 10, 2006

Interior Secretary: Gale Norton Resigns!!!!

"The AP reports “The lobbyist [Abramoff] and one of his clients, a member of the Louisiana Coushatta tribe, dined with Norton on Sept. 24, 2001, at a private fundraising dinner.” The 2001 meeting was arranged after Abramoff clients donated $50,000 to an “environmental group” founded by Norton. "

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

AT&T, Sprint & MCI

"If the reports in the Times and other newspapers are true, these companies have allowed the NSA to intercept thousands of telephone calls, fax messages and e-mails without warrants from a special oversight court established by Congress under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Some companies, according to the same reports, have given the NSA a direct hookup to their huge databases of communications records. "

Monday, March 06, 2006

Treasury Deptartment Raiding Government Pension Funds

"(AP) Treasury Secretary John Snow notified Congress on Monday that the administration has now taken "all prudent and legal actions," including tapping certain government retirement funds, to keep from hitting the $8.2 trillion national debt limit. "

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Blue State Oscars?

"By Kerrie Mitchell bio
And the nominees for Best Picture are...deeply concerned. About terrorism (Munich) and moral compromise (Capote). About subverting the first amendment (Good Night, and Good Luck) and thwarting love (Brokeback Mountain). And they're really very worried that we all just can't along (Crash)."

"Salon dubbed them the “Liberal Guilt Awards.”

Garrison Keillor: What To Do When the Emperor Has No Clothes

"Is the law a law or is it a piece of toast?
Wiretap surveillance of Americans without a warrant? Great. Go for it. How about turning over American ports to a country more closely tied to Sept. 11, 2001, than Saddam Hussein was? Fine by me. No problem. And what about the war in Iraq? Hey, you're doing a heck of a job. No need to tweak a thing. And your blue button-down shirt--it's you. ...."

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Fox News Spinning for W: "Iraq Civil War - Made Up By the Media?"

"Maybe they should ask the families of the roughly 1500 Iraqis who have died."