
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages" -Thomas A. Edison

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Are the throngs starting to waken?
The latest Rasmussen poll shows Bush's numbers down after speech.
"September 18, 2005--Thirty-five percent (35%) of Americans now say that President Bush has done a good or excellent job responding to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. That's down from 39% before his speech from New Orleans."

Never thought I'd see the day, but some Repubs are discussing the possibility of repealing the tax cuts? From the September 16th, David Sirota blog:

"Hours after President Bush today explicitly said he would not repeal the hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tax cuts for the wealthy that are slated to come in the next few years, the Associated Press reported that two Michigan Republican Congressman are raising the possibility that they will break ranks with the White House and support repealing the Bush tax cuts in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster. "


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