
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages" -Thomas A. Edison

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Crawford Protests Continue: 12 arrested for camping in a ditch outside W's Crawford ranch

Buzzflash pointed out the irony of W going to China to 'spread democracy,' while suppressing free speech in his, so-called 'democratic homeland.' The man being arrested in the photograph is 74 yrs old. What a great use of our tax dollars.

"The group had pitched six tents along the road in defiance of new local bans on roadside camping and parking. Many in the group held up signs, including one that said "Give me liberty or give me a ditch."

Jose Padilla indicted as 'criminal defendant' rather than 'enemy combatant'
It only took the Bush Administration 3 years to figure this out. Or........, has W 'spent all his capital?"

"Many legal experts expected the court to take the case and resolve the issue of presidential authority.
One staunch defender of the administration said the dramatic move pointed to the Justice Department's possible loss of confidence in the enemy-combatant case."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That old man sure looks dangerous. It's a good thing he;s going to jail. /sarcasm.

12:32 PM  

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